Dictionaries 7.0

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Is there any specific procedure to properly install 7th edition of dictionary?

    First of all thanks for expressing your interest in our product. Following is the procedure to install the dictionary in your system.

    • Download & Install the dictionary normally by selecting suitable options in setup
    • Upon completion of setup, please find & click "Urdu Installer for Windows XP" within "Start Menu > Programs". You can ignore this step, if using Windows 7/Vista.
    • Restart your computer
    • Now find & click "Cleantouch Urdu Keyboard Installer" within "Start Menu > Programs".

    Note: Urdu keyboard is also installed in "Start Menu > Programs" named "Cleantouch Urdu Keyboard Help" to guide you how to write Urdu in dictionary. Keyboard is based on "Phonetic" Values with some enhancement.

    To watch installation help in video format, please click links below;

  2. Can I install and use 7th edition of dictionary on 64Bit System?

    We would like to inform you that 7.0 edition of our dictionary is now compatible for 64Bit System. If Microsoft Office 2007 (or greater version) is not installed in your system then please download "2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components" from following link and install it before starting dictionary.

    2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components

  3. Is there any special instructions for Windows Vista / 7 Users?

    For using any version of our dictionary in Windows Vista or Windows 7 Operating System, you will have to change some properties as mentioned below;

    • Install Dictionary Normally
    • Right Click on Dictionary Shortcut
    • Open 'Compatibility' Page
    • In 'Previlage Level' group, make 'Run as Administrator' checked
    • Click 'Ok' Button

    Now! dictionary will run smoothly.

  4. I have problem with uninstalling the dictionary from my computer, please guide me to uninstall it manually.

    It seems, the software was not properly installed and may be it was having some error during installation. Please following the instructions below to remove the software from your computer manually

    • Delete folder 'Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary...' from Program Files Folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary 7.0 - Trial)
    • Delete icon from 'Program Menu > Startup' or write 'msconfig' in 'Start Menu > Run' open 'Startup' page and uncheck dictionary

    Dictionary has been uninstalled from your computer now, to remove uninstall entry, visit http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/86721-programs-features-remove-uninstall-entry.html and follow the instructions.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. To discuss your needs, visit our contact page or send us email at support@cleantouch.com.pk